Sunday, May 20, 2007

Clara Bow

For almost a year now, I have been posting information and images from my collection of many virtually forgotten actresses of the twenties and thirties. But...with Clara Bow, what can you say that hasn't been said. A Brooklyn girl, living in virtual poverty with a schizophrenic mother and abusive father, becomes one of the most famous actresses of the twenties and early thirties. Read a bio here) if by some really strange chance you are here and not familiar with Clara. Rather than rehash her life for the 1000th time, lets just enjoy the images.

Clara Bow - What do you think - Allure?

The above is from the 1931 edition of The New Movie Album, a yearly publication of New Movie magazine. Click on the image for larger size.


Anonymous said...

Beyond a doubt! <3

Jennifer ^_^

Anonymous said...

I always remember my mother talking about "The It Girl"

MCA said...

Great blog! I love this period, the cinema and the fashion. I found out Clara Bow recently and (my husband says so and also a friend wich I showed some pictures) I look prety much like Clara Bow. It's curious because my name is Clara, too and I was born one year after she died. And I love the twenties since I was a girl!